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Home> Practice Center > Tobacco Counseling > Partnership

Tobacco Counseling for Young Girls: Professional Education


Partnership Building for Effective Counseling - A 6-Step Approach to Prevention and Cessation

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This module highlights the importance of partnership building as a bedrock for both smoking prevention and cessation messaging to girls and their families. It provides an overview of key Bright Futures partnerships building strategies to address the tobacco-related concerns of young girls during the primary care visit.

Objectives: After completing this module, you will be able to:

  • Define partnership building within a Bright Futures-based framework.
  • Articulate the benefits of partnering with early adolescent females and families during the counseling session on smoking prevention and cessation.
  • Apply the Six Step Partnership Building Approach for effective smoking prevention and cessation counseling with adolescent feemales and their families.

Length: This module will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.

Authors and conflict of interest disclosures Requirements

To other tobacco counseling professional education modules: